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Resolutions – Ten Word Story

In 2013, my resolution is to cease making vacuous resolutions.

an old post card

Somehow, I think I will finally be able to keep my resolution this year, for once. I used to do the same ones over and over, but since I never really meant them they were usually forgotten within a week or two. So, are you making any resolutions for this coming year? Tell me about them in ten words or less. You can use the comment section or throw them up on your blog with a link.

26 thoughts on “Resolutions – Ten Word Story

  1. This year, I thought I’d give up working. It sounded like an excellent resolution to me. Sadly, 2013 has yet to begin, and my husband has already vetoed this particular resolution…

  2. I had made a resolution to send out my Christmas cards in time for New Year’s Day. That ain’t happening- As it is just an hour until the last day of the year, I am going to go against the tide and skip the resolutions, too. After all, I’ve created a new blog with 15 posts on it, plus done a bunch of other stuff this week- what else do I want from me?

    • Sounds like you’ve done a lot with your time. There are only so many hours in a day. You’ve totally earned not getting those cards done. I never sent Christmas cards out this year too. I’m bad like that.

  3. Pingback: No Resolutions 2013 « mauldinfamily1

  4. Pingback: Happy New Year! « White Wolf Moon

    • I agree. it really is the best resolution and a sure thing to boot. I wish I had decided to do this years ago like you did. You were smart whereas I sometimes tend to fit Einstein’s definition of insanity.

  5. Pingback: The Top 10 – 10 Words or Less New Year’s Resolutions | The Writer's Village