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Mother: “Television rots the brain.”

Daughter: “Your romance novels don’t?”

Kicking TelevisionInstead of just a story today, I thought it would be nice to try out a conversation. The daughter’s response pretty much sums up the lovely attitude I had during most of my teenage years. I don’t know how my mother managed to put up with me.

I look at my little ones right now and I just dread for them to grow up. I can already see so much of me in them. I don’t know how I’ll be able to handle two kids that were anything like me as a teen. Now I understand why some people need a drink or three before noon.

The conversation can be about anything and between anyone so, hop to it! This is too versatile and simple to not give it a try! Be creative. Be playful. Be daring. Keep it within the usual ten word limit. The most important thing is to have fun with it.

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